
Top 3 Benefits of Using Cloth Diapers on Your Baby

The cloth diaper has evolved over the last few decades. There have been many changes in the cloth diaper that have made them just as easy to use and practical as a disposable diaper. Using cloth on your baby has great benefits compared to using more modern disposable diapers.

1 . Physical Benefits
One of the benefits of CDing is they are healthier for your baby. Disposable diapers manufactured today are made with chemicals and materials that have been linked to different physical problems such as asthma. Cloth also reduce the risk of diaper rash because there is a lack of proper air flow in disposable diapers and babies stay in wet disposable diapers longer than they would cotton diapers. It has also been shown that some children will have allergic reactions to disposable diapers due to the chemicals used to mask odor.

2 . Environmental Benefits
The environment also benefits from the use of cloth diaper. This is because a CD is going to be reused. The average lifespan of a quality CD is approximately 80 - 100 washes.

Did you know that an estimated 10, 00 tons of disposable diapers enter landfills each day! A disposable diaper can take almost 500 years to decompose. Talk about taking up a lot of space! Did you also know the over 80% of American households use disposable diapers. Another benefit of cloth baby diapers is they can be saved for the next child, even be resold, or just used as rags after their lifespan has run out.

Overall cost is another one of the benefits of cloth baby diapers. Cloth baby diapers are expensive initially, but in the long run save you a lot of money. The average child goes through 8, 000 diaper changes before being potty-trained; at 25 cents a diaper, that adds up to $2, 000. So the money you invest in cloth saves you quite a bit in the long run, particularly if you plan on using cloth for two or more children.

Studies have been done comparing all the costs associated with using a cloth diaper like: diaper cost, energy costs, etc . With all these factors taking into consideration, cloth is still an economical way to cover your babies bottom.

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